« Esprit (critique), es-tu là? » Enseigner aux compétences numériques et informationnelles, un enjeu sociétal

Knock, Knock! Critical Thinking, Are You There? Training Teachers to Overcome Fake News
Florent Michelot - Université de Montréal, Canada
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In this article, we mention the many challenges presented by the Web, particularly with regard to the multiplication of fake news. Contrary to widespread belief, access to the Web is not necessarily virtuous and the new generations (the digital natives) are not the experts we sometimes imagine. It was therefore essential to reinvent the way in which skills frameworks approach the digital world. UNESCO and the European Commission took this path, like Quebec, and decided to associate high-level skills (e.g., critical thinking, information literacy) with digital literacy, so that digital literacy would not be limited to instrumental skills such as turning on a computer, opening a browser and going to a search engine. In fact, digital literacy is a societal necessity that needs to be collectively recognized in order to create new gaps. Some postsecondary pedagogical situations illustrate how digital literacy can be addressed in different subjects.

Available online: 2020-10-31

DOI : https://doi.org/10.18162/ritpu-2020-v17n1-17

Michelot, F. (2020). « Esprit (critique), es-tu là? » Enseigner aux compétences numériques et informationnelles, un enjeu sociétal. International Journal of Technologies in Higher Education, 17(1), 97-104. https://doi.org/10.18162/ritpu-2020-v17n1-17

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